透過網站提醒用戶更新瀏覽器 is a tool to unobtrusively notify visitors that they should update their web browser in order to use your website.

This is done with care not to annoy, lock out or erroneously notify visitors!

222 948 個網站都使用本通知

82 452 016 位訪客都已經更新了他們的瀏覽器


  1. Include our small javascript notification on your website
  2. Visitors with out-dated browser will be informed by a small, undisturbing message box, that their browser is not up-to-date and it is recommended to update. (試試看!)
    您的網路瀏覽器(Internet Explorer 10)已過舊。 更新您的瀏覽器以獲得更佳的安全性、速度以及在此網站的最佳體驗。更新瀏覽器 忽略
  3. By clicking the message, they will get to an info page with reasons why to update (or change) and a list of browsers available for their system.
    download firefox/internet explorer/chrome/opera to update your browser
  4. If the visitor ignores the advice, it won't reappear for some time.

Install the browser update notification on your site

Just include this code anywhere in the source of your page.


The script and service is open source under the MIT License. The script is not tracking users in any way and does not collect any personal information.

You can customize the style of the message, the text and other options.

There are plugins for:

npm WordPress vue.js angular ember-cli ember TYPO3 Contao vBulletin concrete5 MODx Drupal Habari Magento WCF2 CMS made simple XenForo ProcessWire Rapidweaver Joomla Bludit CMS
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