Unha iniciativa de deseñadores web para informar aos usuarios sobre actualizacións dos navegadores
This is the page that is shown to visitors with an out-of-date browser after they clicked the notification to update their browser. This is not the information for your currently used browser.
Check if my browser is up-to-date!

Tá an líonléitheoir agat (Internet Explorer) as dáta.

It is not updated anymore for Windows 7.

Please download one of these up-to-date, free and excellent browsers:

Edge Microsoft Firefox Mozilla Foundation Chrome Google Opera Opera Software
For more security, speed and comfort.
The download is safe from the vendor's official website.
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Why do I need an up-to-date browser?

Porque existe este sitio web?

Este sitio é unha iniciativa de deseñadores web, administradores e bloggers que queren facer evolucionar o web e axudar aos seus visitantes. Sobre os proxectos

"Non son capaz a actualizar o meu navegador"